Cancelable Face Recognition System Based on Optical Scanning Holography

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Faculty of Electronic Engineering Menoufia University: Menouf, Egypt

2 Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Faculty of Electronic Engineering Menoufia University, Egypt


Recently, biometrics has emerged joined of the foremost necessary methods of template preservation and most modern security systems rely on biometrics. Unfortunately, these systems have experienced for quite a while hacking endeavors. If biometric databases are compromised and stolen, biometrics spared in these databases will be lost until the end of time. Consequently, there is an immediate need to grow new upgrade biometric systems. The concept behind cancelable biometrics is to convert biometric data or extracted feature to an alternative template, which can't be easily used by the impostor or intruder and can be eliminated if it is breached. In this paper, the optical scanning holography (OSH) algorithm is utilized as cancelable face recognition system. In the proposed cancelable face recognition technique, the encrypted images are generated by OSH technique. Simulation results using evaluation metrics False Positive Rate (FPR), False Negative Rate (FNR), Equal Error Rate (EER), Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and Area under ROC (AROC) prove that the the proposed cancelable biometric technique is good.


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Volume 28, ICEEM2019-Special Issue
ICEEM2019-Special Issue: 1st International Conference on Electronic Eng., Faculty of Electronic Eng., Menouf, Egypt, 7-8 Dec.
Pages 2-7