Enhanced Finite Impulse Response Equalizer with Activity Detection Guidance and Tap Decoupling Techniques

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf, Minufia University, Egypt

2 Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf, Minufia University, Egypt.


this paper deals with the physical impairments in Free Space (FS) channel of wireless Optical Communication System (OWC) considering different equalization schemes performance. Study of different adaptive equalizers is presented. The convergence process of these equalizers is considered and compared. Results show that the equalizer based on adopting Activity Detection Guidance ADG and Tap Decoupling TD techniques with standard LMS algorithm could provide better performance.


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Volume 28, ICEEM2019-Special Issue
ICEEM2019-Special Issue: 1st International Conference on Electronic Eng., Faculty of Electronic Eng., Menouf, Egypt, 7-8 Dec.
Pages 102-106