Development of Autonomous Self-Powered Robotic System for Antipersonnel Landmines Detection and Extraction

Document Type : Original Article


Industrial Electronics and Control Department, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Menouf, Egypt


Detection and removal of antipersonnel landmines has become one of major scientific and technological challenges. Conventional methods of demining are expensive, slow and low efficiency. There is a dire need for automated, efficient, lowcost, and self powered robotic systems for the purpose of mine detection and disposal. This paper deals with the design and development of a novel low cost robotic system for mine detection and extraction. This robotic system consists of a mobile platform carrying flexible arm, the sensors system and the developed electronic cards of the system. The sensors system comprises an efficient design of metal detector sensor in addition to a distributed sensors fusion system that identifies the robot environment and operation. The robot extracts the mine by drilling the soil around the mine without touching it, catching the mine and extracting it from the ground while enabling the operator to control the robot wirelessly from a safe distance. A renewable solar power supply is supplemented to provide the system with the necessary power. Control of the overall system is achieved using PICs 18F452 microcontroller circuits. A prototype is developed and extensive field tests were performed that confirms the success of the illustrated design.

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