Modified PDOS-based LQG Controller for Inverted Pendulum

Document Type : Original Article


Department. of Industrial Electronics and Control, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University


This paper deals with the holing issue of inverted pendulum (IP)
system. In traditional LQG controller, trying out various Q and R
weights are mandatory to achieve the optimum gains of the state
feedback controller. This trial-and-error process is time consuming,
cumbersome and leads, usually, to a non-optimized response for IP
system. ModifiedPrescribed Degree of Stability (PDOS)-basedLQG
controller (MLQG) is proposed to stabilize the IP. The proposed
Pendulum swing-upwhich is based on total energy shaping is firstly
surveyed.MLQG is supported by simulation experiments and is
intensively tested and compared to PD and LQG controllers. The
simulation results proved the competitiveness and the capability of
the proposed schemeto stabilize the IP to a predetermined degree
of stability with optimized response.

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